12 books I recommend Eagles members read to activate their dream:

I believe so strongly in the power of books and the power of community, thatĀ we combine the two in the 48 Days Eagles Community.

Here's a peek at our reading list:

The Success Principles

by Jack Canfield

The Dip

by Seth Godin

Deep Work

by Cal Newport

The Millionaire Mind

by Thomas Stanley

High Performance Habits

by Brendon Burchard

Free To Focus

by Michael Hyatt

Daily Rituals

by Mason Currey

Tools of the Titans

by Tim Ferriss


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The Millionaire's Roundtable will be a new offering in the 48 Days Eagles Community beginning Fall 2019. If you are already making at least $1 million per year, share your info below to get on the wait list to receive info and join.